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Reflection for UNIX - SSH Client

Reflection for UNIX is THE enterprise-class terminal client for UNIX and Linux system administrators on the go. A range of connectivity and terminal types are provided including both SSH and telnet, allowing you to connect to any UNIX or Linux hos...
December 13, 2015 19:09

About Reflection for UNIX - SSH Client

Reflection for UNIX is THE enterprise-class terminal client for UNIX and Linux system administrators on the go. A range of connectivity and terminal types are provided including both SSH and telnet, allowing you to connect to any UNIX or Linux host with Attachmate’s industry-leading terminal emulation technology. Looking for a replacement for the iSSH client that is no longer on the App Store? Reflection for UNIX can help you get the job done.

** Recent Enhancements **
- Touch ID support
- IPv6 support
- Application PIN-Lock
- iPhone landscape mode

Key Features:
- Touch ID support – Fingerprint recognition for protecting your systems with your thumb
- Application PIN-Lock - 4 digit hexadecimal pin code providing 64k combinations
- Auto sizing option with pinch/zoom gesture
- ConnectBox for quick access to your UNIX/Linux servers
- Multiple SSH authentication methods
- Multiple simultaneous terminal connections
- Configurable KeyBar for quick access to common administrator keys
- Configurable colors
- VT52, VT100, VT220, VT320, VT320 and XTERM terminal types supported
- Key generation (RSA and DSA)
- Private key import
- Easy uploading of users’ public keys to SSH servers
- Key exchange methods: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1, diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
- Hostkey types: ssh-rsa, ssh-dss
- Ciphers: aes256-cbc, aes192-cbc, aes128-cbc, 3des-cbc, blowfish-cbc, cast128-cbc, arcfour, none

On the roadmap and subject to change:
- Session-file sharing support
- Advanced Clipboard support
- UTF-8 support
- Task support

Extend. Manage. Secure.
For 30 years, Attachmate (now Micro Focus) has been helping organizations to extend, manage, and secure their essential business information. Today, our products run on 19 million desktops and mobile devices worldwide. Built to integrate existing systems and emerging technologies, they make it possible for you to put your IT assets to work in new and meaningful ways.

Let us know what you think. You can email us at reflectionappsfeedback@attachmate.com

For more information on Reflection for UNIX, please visit http://www.attachmate.com/reflection




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