Scrobbles for Last.fm
About Scrobbles for Last.fm
Scrobbles for Last.fm brings the music network Last.fm to your Mac! The app offers both Last.fm statistics and Apple Music scrobbling.
• Apple Music Scrobbling
Scrobble your currently playing track to Last.fm. Tracks that were played in the past, are not scrobbled. Scrobbles for Last.fm has to be active while the track is playing in Apple Music in order to send the data to Last.fm.
• Supports Apple Radio Stations
Tracks played on Apple Music radio stations will be scrobbled as well.
• Menu Bar Extras
You can show the currently playing track and scrobbling statistics in the configurable menu bar extra! This feature can be disabled in the preferences (when disabled, only an icon is displayed in the menu bar).
• macOS Widgets
The app comes with four different macOS Widgets.
• Mini Player
You can use the Mini Player to control the playback of Apple Music.
• Favorites
Select a time interval and see your favorite albums, artists and tracks!
• Data Import
Once the app is started, all data since the last app start is imported automatically so the database is always up to date.
• Real-Time Statistics
Every single track that is scrobbled is stored in a local database. This database is then used to create a personal listening report.
You can see weekly, monthly and yearly listening reports.
• Modern Design
The app comes in a very lightweight and modern design.
This app is powered by AudioScrobbler by Last.fm.
The app icon was designed by Hugo Santos. You can find more information about my app icons here:
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