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Seven Nights At The Asylum

This week you've got a job as a night security guard in abandoned asylum where you will have seven the most scariest nights of your life - Seven Nights At The Asylum. Suddenly appears the slenderman-like note, the thing is that you are not alon...
December 13, 2015 19:49

About Seven Nights At The Asylum

This week you've got a job as a night security guard in abandoned asylum where you will have seven the most scariest nights of your life - Seven Nights At The Asylum.

Suddenly appears the slenderman-like note, the thing is that you are not alone here. Have you heard about Buddy? Well, guys who worked with him were very lucky. They had only five nights. You will have seven nights, Seven Nights At The Asylum.

Who else could be in this nightmare house? Ghosts of previous inhabitants with teddy bear or maybe somebody else? Which monsters are waiting for you when night comes? But please don't take it easy, nobody went alive from here. NOBODY.

The main thing you have to remember in Seven Nights At The Asylum — don't let them get close to you. The best way to survive is to close the door, but closed doors consume the power. Camera also consumes a lot of energy, so look at it not very often.

Seven Nights At The Asylum - finish your work safe after this seven horrible nights!




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