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Simple Ever Free for Evernote

Simple Ever is a third party Evernote app. For a very low $0.99 IAP,you can enjoy two of the $45/year Evernote premium features: 1.Pin lock 2.Offline notes Plus, you tap a note, you get into the edit mode directly, unlike in Evernote app, you...
August 12, 2016 07:31

About Simple Ever Free for Evernote

Simple Ever is a third party Evernote app. For a very low $0.99 IAP,you can enjoy two of the $45/year Evernote premium features:
1.Pin lock
2.Offline notes

Plus, you tap a note, you get into the edit mode directly, unlike in Evernote app, you have to tap twice to edit a note.

All your data is stored in your Evernote account, we don't store and don't access them.We simply transfer them to Evernote, to ensure maximum security.

Simple Ever doesn't support folders or multimedia contents, as you may see from the app name, we want to keep the app simple, elegant and super fast.

If you have any suggestions, drop us an email at [email protected].
We replay to ALL of your emails,promise:)




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