Streaming - Netflix edition - It's About Time
About Streaming - Netflix edition - It's About Time
Watch Netflix Movies & TV Shows!
Once Streaming is open, simply click it in the menu bar to access all your favorite movies and tv shows. If you love Netflix, you're going to love it being one click away.
• Play movies in the app (Unlock Pro)
• Menu bar and Window app - Easily switch between menu bar app mode and window mode*
• Customize the look with border colors
• Stealth mode opacity - If you're working on multiple things you can have the app open but transparent and when you place your mouse over it, it displays at 100% and when you move your mouse out, it goes back to the opacity you choose
• Activate with a keyboard shortcut - The beauty of having Netflix in the menu bar is that you can open it with one custom keyboard shortcut you create in the preferences
• Auto Open at Login - When you turn on your Mac, have Streaming open automatically
* The app launches in the menu bar with a Streaming icon. If you have too many apps in your menu bar or your menu bar is filled with text, click on the Finder icon in the Dock (smiley face on the bottom left) and Streaming should appear on the right side of the menu bar. From there, we recommend going to the preferences of the app and creating a keyboard shortcut to open the app anytime without needing to see the icon.
NOTE: A Netflix membership is required. Please visit Netflix.com to verify Netflix is available in your country.
This app is not associated or affiliated with Netflix, Inc.