Teacher Assistant 3 - Schedule Master
About Teacher Assistant 3 - Schedule Master
This programs is one of the best solutions for keeping an electronic class register.
It's is a helpful teacher's tool for managing classes and personal schedules.
In this version you can:
1. Organize the main aspects of your teacher's process easily
- Add/edit up to 5 LESSON TEMPLATES per week for free;
- Create up to 15 STUDENT PROFILES, 2 groups and 2 courses;
- Keep a journal with students' MARKS.
- Create RANDOM GROUPS of students for any class participation;
2. Monitor, filter and find the needed data quickly
- Filter students by groups and courses;
- Monitor students' achievements.
3. Add helpful notes and create to-do lists
- Store addresses and contacts;
- Use colorful labels & icons for better data visualization;
- Add homework tasks to each lesson.