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To-Fu 2

Runner up Apple Game of the Year 2011 Any In-App Purchase will remove all adverts Introducing To-Fu 2, the sequel to the popular iOS hit, To-Fu: The Trials of Chi. Reunite with To-Fu and harness the power of Chi! Get ready to smash through obj...
December 13, 2015 20:28

About To-Fu 2

Runner up Apple Game of the Year 2011

Any In-App Purchase will remove all adverts

Introducing To-Fu 2, the sequel to the popular iOS hit, To-Fu: The Trials of Chi.

Reunite with To-Fu and harness the power of Chi! Get ready to smash through objects with the all-new Super Ping move and be prepared for many new obstacles and challenges. Ping around corners with 45 degree blocks & ricochet off rebound blocks across 220 all-new, brain-bending levels.

The newly added Time Trial mode tasks you with collecting as much Chi as you can within the time limit, and when you're done, ping your scores to Game Center for extra bragging rights!

To-Fu 2 also features a brand new store than enables you to purchase extravagant costumes for your favourite soy hero and many other helpful goodies.

To-Fu's back, and he's stretchier than ever!

We really value all your suggestions and feedback. Please keep the reviews and comments coming...

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