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USB Stick with Viewers

Your iOS device IS a USB Stick. Our USB Stick app lets you copy data to/from your desktop computer via iTunes, and lets you download and cache items from your DropBox Account. Now with annotation capability, you can write on or sign your faxes. ...
December 13, 2015 20:13

About USB Stick with Viewers

Your iOS device IS a USB Stick. Our USB Stick app lets you copy data to/from your desktop computer via iTunes, and lets you download and cache items from your DropBox Account.

Now with annotation capability, you can write on or sign your faxes. Add notes, make corrections or complete a contract with your actual signature.

For dropbox we can passively cache your files so you can download and view them later without network connectivity!

Optional support for local storage Folders to help organize your files.

Using Apple's preview technology we can display many document types, or you can expand USB Stick's capabilities by adding extra features via in-app purchases, tap the "In-App Purchase Items" option from the main screen.

Most notable is the ability to add accelerated PDF or FAX file pre-rendering so USB Stick can manage both your Fax files and your PDF documents, or add the ability to read and display many different file types, or work with wall size Maps. In-app purchases enable all the functionality you need.

Lastly we have the ability to print, email, or create a PDF from most image file types, when you purchase our accelerated readers.




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