vJournal for Evernote
About vJournal for Evernote
It’s slick, simple and smart - Cult of Mac
Journal turns Evernote into diary storage - Macgasm
Brand new way to use Evernote.
Open the app and start writing, record your life, catch that sparkling new idea in your head.
Don't worry about font, title, which notebook to put them into.
Each day, we create only one new note to hold all your short notes within the day, and put all of them into "My Journal" notebook in Evernote.
So you can have peace of mind, knowing no matter how many short notes you write in a day, they're gonna stay in one note, so your Evernote library is totally organised and clutter free.
You may have tried Momento or Day One before, but hey, what's better than keeping all your notes in Evernote? What's better than the dead simple UI of Journal app?
If you have any problems , just email to voyager.apps@gmail.com , we try to reply each email.