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Voyager-Beyond VPN, Proxy Service

Voyager is a VPN service that helps you improve network performance. Unlike other VPN services that use open source technologies, Voyager is developed based on the original Smart Tunnel technology. By completely avoiding third-party interfere, be...
January 13, 2016 05:56

About Voyager-Beyond VPN, Proxy Service

Voyager is a VPN service that helps you improve network performance.

Unlike other VPN services that use open source technologies, Voyager is developed based on the original Smart Tunnel technology. By completely avoiding third-party interfere, better speed and stability is guaranteed. The simplified user interfaces also make your life easier.

• Original Socks Tunnel technology, guaranteed stability
• Smart identify domestic and foreign sites, assign optimum network speed
• Improve websites load speed of about 5-20 times. Play HD video smoothly
• Works with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Dropbox or any other app that supports Socks5 or Http
• Once set up, always run silently in the background. Not like VPN, no extra operation which may disturb daily use


1. Create a free account in App
2. Active the account
3. Sign in to your account
4. Set the proxy in your browser, Dropbox or other software you would like to use

For more detailed instructions, please visit : www.lvxing.today


Voyager was named after Voyager 1, the space probe launched by NASA in 1977. So far, Voyager 1 is 1.5 billion kilometers away from the Sun. Over the past thirty years, Voyager 1 has been continuously transmitting everything she "saw" in the Space back to the Earth.

We hope that our acceleration technology can help you explore the world freely. To discover different sounds and colors on our planet and be a true voyager.




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