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Wallpapers Art HD

Attention! Something new and totally different in Wallpaper Art HD collection. We are proud to present the new collection, which unites the tendencies of modern and historical royalty. The package contains 20 unique wallpapers. We guarantee your d...
December 13, 2015 19:55

About Wallpapers Art HD

Attention! Something new and totally different in Wallpaper Art HD collection. We are proud to present the new collection, which unites the tendencies of modern and historical royalty. The package contains 20 unique wallpapers. We guarantee your desktop's modern look and originality. Warning! You could either love this art or it may shock you - impossible to ignore.

Wallpapers Art HD users receive 10 free original photo wallpapers, after downloading our app you will also have a possibility to purchase additional 350 unique wallpapers using in-app purchases. Designed specifically for your Mac and never seen anywhere else - Wallpapers Art HD is designed to make your desktop unique and personal. Our exclusive wallpapers collection consists of high quality 2880-by-1800 (Retina ready) resolution wallpapers. Different categories to let you discover a wallpaper of your choose quick and easy:

- Architecture
- Texture
- Crazy
- Flora
- Fauna
- Aqua
- Royal Portraits
- Other

After purchasing our wallpaper pack you will be able to change your wallpaper whenever you want and choose from 340 unique wallpapers.

- Unique design
- High quality
- Automatic resolution detection
- OSX Mountain Lion ready
- Compatible with Mac Book Pro Retina display
- Intuitive interface
- Regular wallpaper updates

Did you miss more interesting, brighter and cheerful wallpapers? Check out the new category called "Crazy". We have added 30 new crazy wallpapers - they are our original photos transformed into fantasy art works. You will notice something strange, funny and unbelievable in each of them!

Visit us at www.getartfactory.com




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