YO TV Guide
About YO TV Guide
The simplest, easiest to use TV guide for your iPhone and iPad.
See a customized schedule for any cable, satellite, or broadcast provider, and make sure you never miss your favorite shows again by setting alerts or by adding them to your calendar. Or use our now and next view to see what's on across all channels at a glance.
"With this app, you're guaranteed to never miss the latest season of your favorite show, whether it's airing on network or cable TV." - appPicker
"This is a really really slick app…the full meal deal for your TV Guide iPad Experience" - Reviews on the Run from EP Daily
Other Features:
• A TV guide designed for Facebook! Log in with Facebook to synchronize your settings across all your devices
• Try our new episode tracking to never again have to figure out what episodes you've already seen!
• See YO.TV user ratings for films, episodes and series and rate them yourself.
• Flag your favorite shows to see when they'll next be on.
• Share what you're watching with your friends via e-mail, Facebook or Twitter.
• Download up to six days of TV listings for offline viewing.
• Get more information for a show or film from Wikipedia, IMDb or Google, built right into the app through our new and improved engage panels where you can easily jump to watch, clips, photos, cast and reviews.
• Change channels on Samsung Smart TVs by simply tapping a channel logo
• Search for shows and films with sorting options
• Sports can be filtered by sport type
• Colour coding of show genres
• Watch on demand or live content
• Available in 18 languages with TV listings for 50 countries - you'll never need another guide
All information is unique to your satellite or cable provider, including channel numbers. Channels can be reordered directly in the grid by holding down on their logos and moving them around.
Now available in Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong and Iceland.
We'd love to know what you think – let us know from within the settings screen of the app.
— YO.TV Team