Move to measure - Flying Ruler
About Move to measure - Flying Ruler
Flying Ruler is a tape measure, ruler, protractor and a goniometer (angle-measurer). It is four devices in one app, providing you with the quickest way to measure a distance or an angle.
The Flying Ruler app allows you to measure in the most original way: by just moving your device from one point to another.
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*** Top 5 in 79 countries in the App Store utilities category ***
The secret of the program is that it is based on the principles of the inertial navigational system (INS): the position of the device is determined with the help of the accelerometer and the gyroscope. You can not only measure an object but also the distance between two walls.
*** Only on iOS ***
To try this technology for free you can install the app "Move to measure - Goniometer". This free app measures the angle as you move the device.
Editor's Choice - 148Apps
"I was impressed with Flying Ruler’s accuracy. It works quickly and effectively", "It’s the perfect addition to anyone’s app collection" -- 148apps 4.5 / 5 (MUST HAVE)
"I literally said “wow!” when I first used this app and I think it’s a truly impressive marvel of mobile technology", "The Flying Ruler Rules" -- AppPicker (Cons: there is nothing negative to say about this app)
"This thing is awesome." -- brettterpstra.com
You can choose either inches or centimeters.
The app has different modes so you can choose which mode is better and easier to use on each occasion. You can measure with the body of the device in one mode or with a virtual ruler in another. You use the same methods to measure angles as the app allows you to measure angles both on a surface area and between surfaces through space.
The app also allows you to save a measurement by taking a photograph of the measurement and mark the place that was measured.
Don’t forget to show your friends and colleagues how the app works – believe us, they will be impressed.
We took 100 consecutive measurements and got these results:
On iPhone 6 Plus:
∙ Mean squared error - 0.49%
∙ Maximum inaccuracy - 1.2%
∙ Number of measurements where inaccuracy was within 1% - 93
On iPhone 4:
∙ Mean squared error - 1.02%
∙ Maximum inaccuracy - 3.0%
∙ Number of measurements where inaccuracy was within 1% - 65, within 2% - 96
The accuracy of measurements depends on the device, however the error rarely exceeds 3%. You can always increase accuracy by making a series of measurements. If you make a series of measurements, the degree of error is usually 1% or less.
The app cannot replace a ruler completely as a ruler has a fixed degree of inaccuracy (half of the smallest increment) but it is useful for getting an approximate measurement without a ruler as, remember, your device is always with you.
In some cases, when you know that the distance is some kind of standard size, you can say with a degree of certainty that you will get an accurate result. For example, if you measure a piece of furniture, which is nearly always a length in multiples of 6″, and you get 2′ 11 1/2″ then more than likely the real result is 3′. Or if you are using the metric system, if you get 61 cm then more than likely the real result is 60 cm.
Angles can be measure with the app to an accuracy of one degree so the app can easily take the place of a protractor or a goniometer (angle measurer).