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Download of CreaText

CreaText is an HTML editor, which is particularly suitable for beginners. When you open a new project, you can choose between the doctype definitons HTML 3.2, HTML 4.0 and XHTML. Meta tags can be conveniently processed through a form. CreaText provides a preview of the HTML pages created in Safari, Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

The program supports editing of CSS and JavaScript files, offers an integrated FTP program and can create Thumbnails of images in free definable sizes.

To download this Software please click here



You've chosen CreaText, you can download it on the developer page itself. Free Mac Software provides several Links to external services where you can download the Software you've choosen, Free Mac Software itself does not provide any downloads. Please click the given link on the left side to get redirected to the page where you can download the software.


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