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Download of Fink und FinkCommander

Fink is a system, that makes it easy to manage open source software on Mac OS X and install it. For this purpose, known Debian tools like dpkg and apt-get are used.

Although Mac OS X is based on Unix, however, large parts of the system are in-house developments of Apple, which are not comparable to other Unix variants.
Fink provides to other flavors of Unix a compatible environment, libraries, GNU tools and an X Window System.
The Fink Commander is a graphical interface for Fink, with which you can use all functions of the package manager. Simply search for appropriate software and install them by a simple mouse click.

To download this Software please click here


Fink und FinkCommander

You've chosen Fink und FinkCommander, you can download it on the developer page itself. Free Mac Software provides several Links to external services where you can download the Software you've choosen, Free Mac Software itself does not provide any downloads. Please click the given link on the left side to get redirected to the page where you can download the software.


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