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Download of Picasa Tools for Mac

Picasa for Mac Tools is a software bundle which allows you to manage your photos using Google's Picasa Web Album and to present them online.
If you are using iPhoto install the plugin and you can upload your pictures to the Picasa Web album.
If you do not use iPhoto, you can use the Picasa uploader, which lets you create and organizealbums by Drag`n`Drop, then you can upload them to the Picasa web album.
When uploading images you can choose between different image sizes and specify whether this is a public or private album.
To use the software, and the Google Picasa service, you need a Google Account.

To download this Software please click here


Picasa Tools for Mac

You've chosen Picasa Tools for Mac, you can download it on the developer page itself. Free Mac Software provides several Links to external services where you can download the Software you've choosen, Free Mac Software itself does not provide any downloads. Please click the given link on the left side to get redirected to the page where you can download the software.


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