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Fink und FinkCommander

Install and manage open source Unix and Linux software on Mac OS X
Mac OS X
November 19, 2006 20:37

About Fink und FinkCommander

Fink is a system, that makes it easy to manage open source software on Mac OS X and install it. For this purpose, known Debian tools like dpkg and apt-get are used.

Although Mac OS X is based on Unix, however, large parts of the system are in-house developments of Apple, which are not comparable to other Unix variants.
Fink provides to other flavors of Unix a compatible environment, libraries, GNU tools and an X Window System.
The Fink Commander is a graphical interface for Fink, with which you can use all functions of the package manager. Simply search for appropriate software and install them by a simple mouse click.


Fink requires at least Mac OS X 10.6


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