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Sonos Controller

Control your music systems with one smart application.
Mac OS X
June 18, 2016 14:08

About Sonos Controller

The Sonos Controller is an application for your apple devices like Mac, iPhone or iPad. Controll your sound-system via wireless LAN directly with the app. It's irrelevant from which room you manage the systems. The new wireless technology of Sonos doesen't even need a wireless router. You can connect the App directly to your Sonos systems. Therefore the Sonos app is the perfect supplement for your Sonos Sound systems. The new version serves many functions like the sorround-modus or the controlling of devices predefined rooms. Sonos also allowes you to browse all your music libraries like iTunes and Spotify in one App. Therefor there is no need to switch between different programms.


Sonos requires at least Mac OS X 10.6.8.


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