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How to : Uninstall/ Remove Mac software

September 09, 2016 12:00
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You want to know how to uninstall software and programs on your Mac? Follow this easy steps !

Uninstalling/ Removing programs with Mac OS X is easy. Complicated uninstallation processes as with Windows are not necessary. The only problem is, how to find the appropriate plugins, software or Apps?

Delete Mac software with the Store App

No longer used programs can be removed on a Mac with a few clicks. If you want to uninstall Mac software which you've loaded via the Mac App Store , do it as follows:
1. Press the "F4" key to open the Launchpad.
2. Then press and hold the "Option" key until an "x" appears next to the application. Deletable applications begin to wiggle .
3. Click the "x" icon next to the program which u want to delete. Now the app will be removed. If you dont want to delete anymore programs click an empty area on the screen and the icons will return to normal.
It is similar on IOS-devices such as mobile phones . Press and hold the program icon . After a few seconds a small "x" icon will appear next to the app and deletable applications start to wiggle. You just need to press the "x" icon to delete the program.

Delete Mac software which you don't have loaded from the Store

1. Start the finder which is installed on Mac OS X.
2. Choose the name of your device in the left menu.
3. Click the hard-drive of your Mac.
4. Navigate to the program folder.
5. Pick the software you want to delete and put it via drag and drop in your recycle bin.
6. The program is now deleted and is located in the memory of your recycle bin. Empty it to remove the software  completey .
Search for " Macintosh HD " if you can't find your hard-drive.

This article was tagged with: how to, uninstall software, uninstall programms, and delete Mac software



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