Adobe Press Learn by Video
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*Learn by Video App is now FREE!*
Introducing the Learn by Video app, a revolutionary way for you to learn Adobe software on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
Learn by Video is a unique app that offers hours of exceptional video tutorials that teach the fundamentals of Adobe software. Presented by award-winning designers and instructors such as Mikkel Aaland, Tim Grey and Russell Viers, these engaging videos use an easy-to-follow style that makes it fun to learn.
•Learn by Video comes with over 13 hours of FREE video training preloaded. Want more? No problem! You can purchase an entire training course or just the topics you need, right from the app itself—it’s that simple.
•Currently available videos: Photoshop®, Flash Professional®, Dreamweaver®, Lightroom®, Photoshop® Elements®, Premiere® Elements®, InDesign®, Illustrator®, Premiere® Pro, After Effects®, Flash Catalyst®
•New videos will continue to be made available to purchase for a total 100+ hours of training.
13+ hours of FREE training that comes already loaded includes:
Dreamweaver CS4 – Get Started (18 Videos, 84 min)
Dreamweaver CS5 – Get Started (18 Videos, 67 min)
Flash Professional CS4 – Get Started (9 Videos, 67 min)
Flash Professional CS5 – Get Started (8 Videos, 35 min)
Lightroom 3 – (17 Videos, 56 min)
Photoshop CS4 – (15 Videos, 127 minutes)
Photoshop CS5 – Learn by Video (10 Videos, 57 minutes)
Photoshop Elements 8 – (14 Videos, 54 minutes)
Premiere Elements 8 – (13 Videos, 70 minutes)
InDesign CS5 - (6 Videos, 42 minutes)
Illustrator CS5 - (11 videos, 67 mins)
Premiere Pro CS5 - (2 videos, 28 minutes)
After Effects CS5 - (6 videos, 26 minutes)
Flash Catalyst CS5 - (7 videos, 40 minutes)
Photoshop CS5 Techniques for Photographers (10 videos, 39 minutes)
You not only get high-quality video tutorials but also quizzes to test your progress as you learn. You can even bookmark favorite sections!
Once the app is installed, your video will always be viewable whether you're online or offline. The same goes for the quizzes: on or off the Internet, you can test yourself and track your progress, then instantly access the relevant video to review a problem topic.
When your iPhone is connected (any active Wi-Fi, EDGE, or 3G Internet connection), the application provides these bonus social features:
•Favorites: Bookmark any video for later viewing.
•Commenting: Share your tips and comments with other users.
•Twitter: Follow the latest Adobe Press news.
About Learn By Video
The videos included in the Learn by Video app are also available as part of a complete training package. The Learn by Video DVD/printed book bundle is the only Adobe-approved video training courseware for the following Adobe Certified Associate exams: Visual Communication (Photoshop CS5), Web Communication (Dreamweaver CS5), and Rich Media Communication (Flash Professional CS5). These products teach you not only the fundamentals of the software, but also how to use the programs to create effective forms of digital communication.
Learn by Video training can also be purchased as a downloadable product and can be viewed using your Web browser at Creative Edge (www.creativeedge.com), the online subscription service for creatives.
To learn more about the availability of Learn by Video in multiple formats please go to www.learnbyvideo.com
About Adobe Press
Adobe Press is the official source of high-quality training materials for Adobe software. Learn more at www.adobepress.com.
About video2brain
video2brain, located in Graz, Austria, is a company focused on producing high-quality video training content for software, photography and programming topics. Crucial to the flexible training are optimized teaching methods, practical tips from well-known industry experts and the focus on learning-by-doing with project files. video2brain is an Adobe Certified Training Provider. Learn more at www.video2brain.com.