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Course for Xcode 7 Lite

Learn how to create apps for iOS 9 using Xcode 7 with these easy-to-follow video tutorials. If you're already an expert this app probably isn't for you, but if you want to learn app development from the ground up you've come to the right place. Le...
14 de febrero de 2016 06:34

Sobre% {título}

Learn how to create apps for iOS 9 using Xcode 7 with these easy-to-follow video tutorials. If you're already an expert this app probably isn't for you, but if you want to learn app development from the ground up you've come to the right place. Learn how to write Swift code using Swift 2.0 and Xcode 7.2 from the ground up. Learn about using the Storyboard to create your user interface and how to connect outlets and actions properly, avoiding the many pitfalls that plague new developers.

NEW! Learn iOS 9 Specific features.

- All examples use the Swift programming language!

Lessons cover:

- Xcode 7 and the IDE
- Creating user interfaces on the Storyboard
- Building your own "hello world" app
- Adding subViews
- Basic animations
- Displaying images with ImageViews and UIImage
- presenting View Controllers
- UIWebView setup and loading
- Building your own web browser
- Displaying PDFs in your apps
- Alert Controllers
- Table View setup
- Displaying images and detail text in table view cells

And more!




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