FontGraf Free
21 de septiembre de 2016 05:41
Sobre% {título}
FREE modern font browser for any designers.
It is able to zoom fonts smoothly and display a large quantity fonts fast, using the full text rendering capabilities of the Mac.
The usability will give you a new sensation on your typography designing work.
- Compare typefaces with input string. [double click the view]
- Smooth zooming with drag + keystroke like graphic tools. [ Space + Option + drag ]
- Move and scroll typefaces. [ Space + drag ]
- Align typefaces left, right, to center. [ Command + Shift + L or R or C ]
- Switch column mode. [ Command + 1 or 2 ]
- Turn background-color mode. [ Command + Control + 1 or 2 ]
- Hide tools easily. [ Simply press Tab key ]