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Igloo - IRC Client

Igloo is a modern IRC client that supports lots of IRCv3 extensions and works flawlessly with all your favorite networks like Freenode, Libera, Snoonet, Rizon, EFnet, and all others. It has a very simple UI and lots of great themes to choose from....
08 de diciembre de 2023 06:40

Sobre% {título}

Igloo is a modern IRC client that supports lots of IRCv3 extensions and works flawlessly with all your favorite networks like Freenode, Libera, Snoonet, Rizon, EFnet, and all others. It has a very simple UI and lots of great themes to choose from. It is the only IRC client on iOS to support DCC/XDCC downloads that get synced right to iCloud Drive so you can access them on your iPhone/iPad in the Files app or on your macOS computer right in a folder called "Igloo". We've also added some extra modifications to improve your experience when using a bouncer such as ZNC, and we even support the IRCCloud bouncer.

This client has it all! If you think of something we haven't please let use know and we'll add it!

Key Features:
• SASL Authentication
• ZNC Integration (with push module https://znc.iglooirc.com)
• DCC/XDCC support (receiving only)
• File/Image/Audio/Video sharing (via Arxius.io, Imgur.com, or your own custom host)
• FaceID/TouchID protection option
• Input completion for channels, nicks, commands and emoji shortcodes
• Now playing script with support for Apple Music and Spotify
• Inline nick coloring
• Inline media
• Full formatting and colors
• IRCv3 Compliant
• Pretty themes

Have questions/comments/suggestions?
• #igloo on freenode
[email protected]




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