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iMotion is an intuitive and powerful time-lapse and stop-motion app for iOS. Take pictures, edit your movie and export 4K UHD, 1080p & 720p HD videos to your device or directly to Youtube. Time-lapse is a cinematography technique which accelera...
13 de diciembre de 2015 19:55

Sobre% {título}

iMotion is an intuitive and powerful time-lapse and stop-motion app for iOS.
Take pictures, edit your movie and export 4K UHD, 1080p & 720p HD videos to your device or directly to Youtube.

Time-lapse is a cinematography technique which accelerates movement. It can be used to photograph cloudscapes, plants growing, crowds...
Stop motion is an animation technique which makes a physically manipulated object look like it’s moving on its own.

The Apple watch app give you a live preview of your iPhone camera on the screen of your Apple watch. And you can remotely control your capture by touching your Apple watch.

-4K UHD, 1080p & 720p HD capture & exports (*)
-Universal binaries iPhone / iPad / iPodTouch
-4 capture modes (time-lapse, manual, wifi remote, photo library import)
-Ultra speed shooting up to 10fps (*)
-Variable frame rate playback
-Portrait and landscape orientations supported
-Rear and front cameras supported
-Useful capture tools (Manual Focus, Exposure & White balance, Onion skin…)
-Export: videos, photos and animated GIF to your Photo Library, iTunes Sharing Folder, Facebook, Youtube, Mail and iOS apps.
-Quick and smooth interface
-Autosave and direct preview
-Reverse playback
-Unlimited movie length
-Add audio soundtrack to your movie with iPod import, microphone and AudioPaste (In-App Full Version required)
-Import multiple frames from your Photo Library (In-App Full Version required)
-Export & import your movie project, using DropBox, Mail and iTunes Sharing Folder (In-App Full Version required)
-Retina Display

(*) 4K UHD, 1080p & 10ps shooting are only available on recent devices

Include Apple Watch app for preview and trigger capture for both Time-lapse and manuel.

Download “iMotion Remote” app for free to preview and remote your capture from an other device iPhone/iPad/iPodtouch.

Watch movies made with iMotion:

Watch us : vimeo.com/​fingerlab
Follow us : twitter.com/​fingerlab

Powered by Fingerlab




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