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MediaCloud - Cloud Streaming Music & Video Player

Save space on a device, have instant access to your audio files,video files anywhere ( Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive ). Listen to your music, audiobooks and play video directly from the cloud ! If you've got large iTunes music library t...
13 de diciembre de 2015 19:00

Sobre% {título}

Save space on a device, have instant access to your audio files,video files anywhere ( Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive ).

Listen to your music, audiobooks and play video directly from the cloud !

If you've got large iTunes music library this music player is the perfect solution to access your favorite songs and entire music library - without taking up any extra device space and synchronization hassle.

Once you moved your music collection to the cloud, Media Cloud Player connects to any of your cloud storage including Dropbox, Box,Google Drive,OneDrive and streams your music or video directly from there.

・ plays mp3, aac, m4a, wav, aiff, m4r, mp4, caf, mov, mp4, avi, ffmegg
・ create playlists from music in multiple cloud services
・ favorite folders for fast access
・ gesture control in the player
・ narration speed control and bookmark for audiobooks listening
・ single universal app for iPhone and iPad




Ios app store

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