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MiniNote is quite simply the best notes app you will ever use. It has been engineered from the ground up to offer the fastest and most pleasurable note taking experience possible. Try it for a week and you'll be hooked for life.
The app lives in your Mac's menubar and is always available at the click of a button. Use it to write down your thoughts and important pieces of information and be happy in the knowledge that your notes will be easily accessible when needed.
Full feature list:
⁕ Beautiful pixel perfect design with retina support
⁕ Advanced dynamic search bar to quickly find the note you are looking for
⁕ Create and view favourites using the Star button.
⁕ Time stamps for each note you create
⁕ Share notes via Email, Facebook, Twitter and iMessage
⁕ Backup notes to a location you choose in RTF and TXT format
⁕ Anchor button to make the app visible above all other apps
⁕ Handy keyboard shortcuts:
- Ctrl + N to open app
- Cmd + Ctrl + N to create a new note
- Cmd + R to anchor
- Cmd + [ to go back to list view
- Cmd + F to search whilst in list view
- Cmd + , to enter the Settings panel
- Cmd + P to Print notes
- Cmd + X/C/V to Cut/Copy/Paste text respectively
- Cmd + Z to undo
- Cmd + Shift + Z to redo
- Esc to hide window
Want more cool features such as real-time cloud syncing, detachable and resizable window, multiple themes and text formatting? Then be sure to check out MiniNote Pro - it is everything you would ever want from a note taking app.
Not convinced? Well, here' s how you can use MiniNote for all your every day needs:
⁕ Take notes without opening a new app - MiniNote simply rests on your menu bar at all times
⁕ Particularly useful for students during lectures/classes, professionals in a meeting, etc.
⁕ You can easily copy and paste in text that you may later require
⁕ Got that million dollar idea? Make sure you take a note of it using this ever present app!
⁕ Names, numbers, email addresses can all be jotted down in a jiffy
⁕ Take your MacBook to your kitchen and use MiniNote as a recipe manager!
⁕ Birthdays and presents - make a list of both to always keep at hand.
⁕ And much, much more.
We've spent a great deal of time thinking about the details and after using this app for a few days, you'll begin to notice our small yet creative touches. We plan on a very active development cycle, so please spread the word and keep sending us your feedback!