Pepsi Max
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Maximum Football, Maximum Taste
Download the Pepsi Max app to unlock amazing prizes with UEFA Champions League promo packs. Scan your Pepsi Max with our Augmented Reality feature to win everything from footballs to finals tickets.
For your chance to WIN:
1. Download the app and enter the unique code (remove where not applicable)
2. Scan the front of your pack
3. If you’re shown the blue card, you’re a winner
Explore the latest videos, exclusive content, unbelievable prizes and get social – all on tap in the Pepsi Max app.
The app will be regularly refreshed with exclusive offers, cool new features and awesome prizes. Check out the prize schedule for details of what’s available and pick up promotional packs of Pepsi Max to unlock more chances to win.
UK 18+. Compatible handset required. Data charges may apply. App store’s terms, Pepsi Max terms of use, and promotional terms apply. See term and conditions section within the Pepsi Max app for more details.
Please note: You must select your country of residence to qualify for a chance to win. Failing to do so or supplying false information could lead to forfeiting any prize.
The competition and prizes accessed and awarded through Pepsi Max are not affiliated with Apple. Apple is not affiliated with Pepsi Max activity in any manner and nor prizes won will be Apple products.