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QR Factory

Trusted by companies around the world as the premier QR code creator for macOS + unlimited batch codes from CSV files. • QR codes belong to you with no re-directing to ads, sales pitches or interference. • Customize your code with smooth rounded...
13 de diciembre de 2015 21:03

Sobre% {título}

Trusted by companies around the world as the premier QR code creator for macOS + unlimited batch codes from CSV files.

• QR codes belong to you with no re-directing to ads, sales pitches or interference.

• Customize your code with smooth rounded corners, beautiful gradients, background colors, enhanced reliability or even your own logo in the middle.
• Save as bitmap (PNG, TIFF) or vector (PDF, EPS), or instantly share on FaceBook, Twitter and more.
• Save in RGB, CMYK or Grayscale color spaces.
• Rotate the codes by 90, 180 or 270 degrees.
• Use the map search for making location codes or use an existing contact to make a MECARD/VCARD code.
• Verify that your code will be readable with the built-in checker.
• Print your code right from the app.
• Export the code information and then import it back later for less typing.
• Create SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) payment codes.
• Create unlimited batch codes (even 100,000 or more) from a CSV file with no In-App Purchase required.

Built-in support for the following types of QR codes:
- Plain Text
- Email
- Location (by address or latitude/longitude)
- Phone/SMS
- Person (new or existing contact)
- Wi-Fi Setup
- Calendar Events
- Twitter and Facebook
- SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Payments



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