sFTP Client
Sobre% {título}
sFTP Client is a full-featured FTP/SFTP/FTPIS/FTPES/SSH client with a modern and easy to use interface.
sFTP Client uses the most modern libraries and uses the latest technologies (after-all who would ever like an out-dated / old fashioned app), thats why we use the latest frameworks and latest modern designs.
- Standard FTP, FTP over TLS/SSL (FTPIS / FTPES) and SFTP.
- SSH Terminal (available on all SFTP connections), use SSH CLI when SFTP just doesn't cut it
- Multiple & Large File Transfers
- Key File Login for SSH Connections
- Drag & Drop Support (Uploads / Downloads)
- File Editor (Local & Remote)
- Keepalive Connections
- Synchronised Directory Browsing
- Themes (Light / Dark + 6 colours, purple, pink, red, green, orange and blue)
- Multiple Connections
- Diagnostic Tools
- Port Forwarding
- Quick Connect
- Browse Local & Remote Folders by Path
- Rename & Delete Files (Local / Remote)
- Create New File / Directory (Local / Remote)
- Refresh Local and Remote Lists
- Sort and Resize Columns
- Multi-Select Files & Folders
- Editor Options: Tabbed Files, Customisation
- Transfer Queue (Queued files and folders, failed files and folders, completed files and folders)
- Connect to Remote (External) & Local (Internal) FTP / SFTP / SSH servers.
- Change File / Folder Permissions (By Checkbox or Value: e.g. 777)