Sunrise Clock +
Sobre% {título}
Worldwide Sunrise/Sunset clock with alarm. App that tells you exact sunrise, sunset and twilight. Uses highly accurate method (accuracy of about 1 arcminute within two centuries of 2000) used by U.S. Naval Observatory for calculation of sunrise/sunset/twilight.
This app is also a great tool for nature photographers.
Features includes:
Innovative interface with multiple daily timing views.
Monthly view for sunrise/sunset timings.
Selected quotes which mentions time are also provided for reference.
Alarm options.
Alaram Sound Pack:
1. Alarm Clock
2. Bells
3. Birds Songs And Calls
4. Blade Runner
5. Cant hide remix
6. Celestial Soda Pop
7. Chariots of Fire
8. crossfire
9. Dervish D
10. Dreaming remix
11. Falling In The Garden
12. Five Circles
13. Frosti
14. Ku Ku
15. Phsycho
16. Songs of birds
17. Tone