Tutor for OS X Mountain Lion
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- "An excellent training tool. Highly recommended. Worth every penny."
- "The best tutorial out there for Mountain Lion."
- "Packed with useful information."
Download today and let us show you how to use how to use Apple's latest operating system Mac OS X Mountain Lion with our video tutorial Tutor for OS X Mountain Lion. Tutor for OS X Mountain Lion includes 49 easy-to-follow videos on how to use OS X Mountain Lion, Apple's latest operating system.
We not only tell you about OS X Mountain Lion, but we also show you how to use the major features of OS X as well as what is new in Mountain Lion including the Notification Center, iCloud, Software Updates, Dictation, Gatekeeper, the new Accessibility preference pane, the new Reminders app, the new Notes app, the updated Messages app, and more! This video tutorial is geared for both the new user to OS X and the new user to Mountain Lion.
Included in the tutorial is Notes! Now you can take notes while watching the tutorial!
Videos Included:
- Basic Terminology
- Migrating from Windows
- Finder and the Finder Windows
- The Menu Bar
- Using The Dock
- OS X Folder Hierarchy
Setting Up Your Mac
- System Preferences
- Desktop Pictures and Screen Savers
- Printing and Scanning
- Mail, Contacts, and Calendars
- Social Networking
- iCloud
- Displays and Airplay
- Software Updates
- Dictation
- Security and Gatekeeper
- Accessibility
- Notification Center
- Multiple User Accounts
- Parental Controls and Guest Accounts
Working with Applications
- Launchpad and Application Folder
- Installing and Deleting Apps
- Using Apps Full-Screen Mode
- Using Mission Control
Working with Documents and Folders
- Saving and Autosaving Documents
- Saving Documents with iCloud
- Sharing Documents
- Searching with Spotlight
Applications Up Close
- Discovering Apps with the Mac App Store
- Managing Events with Calendar
- Organizing Contacts
- Emailing with Mail
- Browsing the Internet with Safari
- Organizing Photos with iPhoto
- Organizing Media with iTunes 10
- Using the Preview App
- Using the Reminders App
- Using the Notes App
- Communicating with Messages
- Using the Dashboard
Syncing and Backing Up
- Syncing your iOS Device
- Backing Up with Time Machine
Get the most out of OS X Mountain Lion with this Video Tutorial!