xPL Sniffer
Sobre% {título}
xPL Sniffer is a real time UDP packet sniffer which enables comprehensive monitoring of messages transiting in the network.
It provides options such as filtering by xPL paquet types or by keywords, automatic forwarding of messages received (Echo repply) and much more.
xPL Sniffer is a good analytical tool to keep on hand to observe, monitor or diagnose the content of messages.
• Detection and display of the IP address
• Display of UDP packets
• Display in Hex messages of type RAW
• Time stamping of messages
• Filtering by xPL message type (xpl-stat xpl xpl-trig-xpl-cmnd xpl-config)
• Filtering by keywords on any part of the message received
• Filtering of duplicates: 1 or 2 messages / 2 seconds
• Echo reply (returns the received message)
• Log sending by email
• Automatic stop capturing when exiting the application
• Anti lock when capturing
• Multi-orientation support
• iPhone and iPad support
• iPhone 5 support