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Cocoa JSON Editor

Powerful tool for developers that use JSON and connect to API services. Document based structure, drag and drop support, OSX lion versions, export ObjC Classes with automatic parsing and type check, browse and fetch own or public APIs or even stre...
dimanche 13 décembre 2015 20h47

About Cocoa JSON Editor

Powerful tool for developers that use JSON and connect to API services. Document based structure, drag and drop support, OSX lion versions, export ObjC Classes with automatic parsing and type check, browse and fetch own or public APIs or even stream your created JSON directy to your iOS or Mac app during development.

===== Import =====
Start new JSON Model
Import from text
Import from URL
Open .json files, or any text files with valid json.

===== API Requests =====
API Groups, API Endpoints, JSON Payloads
Base urls support for (Production, Beta, Stagging) environment switch
Shared parameters
Parameter sets
OAuth2.0 token retrival helper

===== Local Connection =====
Application acts as Http server (Useful for jQuery, web development)
Application acts as Bonjour server
Stream JSON to your Browser, iOS or Mac application during development
Local Server ID for json nodes, fetch as http requests such as http://localhost:8080/jsonid

===== Object Bulk Editor =====
Edit objects with same key structure in bulk
Rearrange, add new, rename, delete within all copies.

===== Array Bulk Editor =====
Edit array of objects in a quick editor
Object traversing, traverse array of objects and its child objects
Create node from all values

===== Quick Look =====
Preview web page URLs from JSON values in popover
Preview image URLs from JSON values in popover

===== Smart Objects =====
Create smart objects (Think in class structure)
Smart objects maintains its key structure
Suits for associative Arrays

===== Wrapping =====
Object Wrap
Array Wrap

===== ObjC Class Export =====
Export ObjC Classes
Classes with type check
Automatic conversion between int,float,double,NSNumber
Export whole JSON response as a object tree with automatic parsing.
ARC support

===== Edit =====
Edit JSON nodes tree
Cut, Copy Paste, Delete Duplicate JSON nodes.
Drag And Drop between documents, and text files
Reorder support

===== OSX Lion =====
Full screen support
Versions support



Cocoa JSON Editor is available for 7,00 € on the App Store

Mac app store

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