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Dash API Docs

Instant search and offline access to any API documentation you may need. Dash is an API Documentation Browser that gives your iPad and iPhone instant offline access to 150+ API documentation sets (for a full list, see below). • Offline Documenta...
mardi 22 décembre 2015 07h14

About Dash API Docs

Instant search and offline access to any API documentation you may need.

Dash is an API Documentation Browser that gives your iPad and iPhone instant offline access to 150+ API documentation sets (for a full list, see below).

• Offline Documentation: iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, Swift, .NET Framework, ActionScript, Akka, AngularJS, Angular.dart, Ansible, Apache, Appcelerator Titanium, AppleScript, Arduino, Backbone, Bash, Boost, Bootstrap, Bourbon, Bourbon Neat, C, C++, CakePHP, Cappuccino, Chai, Chef, Clojure, CMake, Cocos2D, Cocos2D-X, CodeIgniter, CoffeeScript, ColdFusion, Common Lisp, Compass, Cordova, Corona, Craft, CouchDB, CSS, D3.js, Dart, Django, Docker, Doctrine ORM, Dojo Toolkit, Drupal, ElasticSearch, Elixir, Emacs Lisp, Ember.js, Emmet.io, Erlang, Express.js, Expression Engine, ExtJS, Flask, Font Awesome, Foundation, GLib, Go, Gradle, Grails, Groovy, Grunt, Gulp, Haml, Handlebars, Haskell, HTML, Ionic, Jade, Jasmine, Java SE, Java EE, JavaFX, JavaScript, Jekyll, Jinja, Joomla, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, jQuery UI, Julia, Knockout.js, Kobold2D, Laravel, LaTeX, Less, Lo-Dash, Lua, Marionette.js, Matplotlib, Meteor, Mocha, MomentJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Mono, MooTools, MySQL, Nginx, Node.js, NumPy, OCaml, OpenCV, OpenGL, Pandas, Perl, Phalcon, PhoneGap, PHP, PHPUnit, Play Framework, Polymer.dart, PostgreSQL, Processing.org, Prototype, Puppet, Python, Qt, R, Racket, React, Redis, RequireJS, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Rust, Sails.js, Sass, SaltStack, Scala, SciPy, Semantic UI, Sencha Touch, Sinon, Smarty, Sparrow, Spring Framework, SproutCore, SQLAlchemy, SQLite, Statamic, Stylus, Susy, SVG, Symfony, Tcl, Tornado, Twig, Twisted, TypeScript, TYPO3, Underscore.js, Unity 3D, Vagrant, Vim, VMware vSphere, Vue.js, WordPress, Xamarin, Xojo, XSLT, XUL, Yii, YUI, Zend Framework, Zepto.js.
• Supports docsets generated using popular tools like Appledoc and Doxygen.
• Methods are conveniently shown in a special Table of Contents.
• Fuzzy search. Don't let misspells get in your way.
• Built for speed. Searching is almost instant.



Dash API Docs is available for 9,00 € on the App Store

Ios app store

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