About DocHaven
DocHaven is a cloud-based library for your documents, so they are permanently backed up. You run DocHaven as an alternative to the normal folders on your Mac or file server. You take them out of the cloud as you need them, then put them back into the cloud when you have finished with them.
You can store any kind of document in these ‘Projects’. Once a Project is back in the cloud it can be taken out by others in your group.
Every time a Project is put away, it keeps the last ten versions automatically. If you make a mistake, you can always go back to a previous version.
DocHaven meets the 3-2-1 rule for data Backups: at least three copies, at least two different media and at least one of the copies is offsite.
Storage on Cloud Required
Please note that this product stores your data on the HMS servers. While measures are taken to ensure the protection of your data during transfer and storage, no cloud storage can be guaranteed 100% secure. Please do not put sensitive, personal or confidential data into this product. Backup regularly and change your password periodically.