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Extractor - Unarchive RAR, Zip, Tar, 7z & Bzip2 files

Extractor is an indispensable utility app that can be used to unarchive a range of files such as Zip, Rar, Tar, Gzip, 7z and more at lightning speed. KEY FEATURES: • Quickly extract a range of archive file types • Batch extracting support • Drag ...
dimanche 13 décembre 2015 19h02

About Extractor - Unarchive RAR, Zip, Tar, 7z & Bzip2 files

Extractor is an indispensable utility app that can be used to unarchive a range of files such as Zip, Rar, Tar, Gzip, 7z and more at lightning speed.

• Quickly extract a range of archive file types
• Batch extracting support
• Drag and drop archive to dock icon to extract it
• Support for password-protected archive files
• Notifications when extraction is completed

We've worked hard to make Extractor as simple and efficient as possible for you to use. We would love to hear your thoughts via email and make any improvements to future versions of this app. We intend to have an active development cycle powered by your feedback, love and support!




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