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Learn - Photoshop Elements 10 Editor Edition

•Nearly 3 hours of HD video tutorials! •45 individual video lessons guided by an Elements expert •Simple interface that makes is easy to navigate through the videos. •The videos guide the viewer with zooms, pans and highlights of what is being di...
dimanche 13 décembre 2015 19h56

About Learn - Photoshop Elements 10 Editor Edition

•Nearly 3 hours of HD video tutorials!
•45 individual video lessons guided by an Elements expert
•Simple interface that makes is easy to navigate through the videos.
•The videos guide the viewer with zooms, pans and highlights of what is being discussed.
•The keyboard shortcuts associated with each lesson are listed in the sidebar of the App.
•Use the notes pane to jot down things to remember from each lesson, then output all your notes in a single PDF document!

This course includes nearly three hours of video training on how to use tools, layers, adjustments and filters available in Photoshop Elements Editor. These lessons will help you learn ways to edit, retouch or manipulate your digital images.

A. Getting Started
1. About PSE Editor
2. The Interface
3. Panels
4. Using with Elements organizer
5. Using with iPhoto

B. Tools
1. Move, Zoom and Hand
2. The Eyedropper
3. Marquee and Lasso
4. Magic Wand & Selection Brush
5. Type Tools
6. Crop & Recompose
7. Cookie Cutter
8. Straighten
9. Red Eye
10. Healing Brush and Clone Stamp
11. Eraser & Brush
12. Smart Brush
13. Paint Bucket & Gradient
14. Shapes
15. Blur Sharpen, Smudge
16. Sponge, Dodge & Burn
17. Set Colors

C. Edit Modes and Layers
1. Quick Edit Mode
2. Guide Edit Mode
3. Full Edit Mode
4. Layers Introduction
5. The Layer Menu
6. Layer Mask
7. Adjustment layers
8. Shape and Text layers

D. Image and Enhance Menus
1. Rotate & Transform
2. Divide Scanned Photos
3. Resize
4. Magic Extractor
5. Auto enhance commands
6. Adjust Lighting
7. Color Cast & Hue/Saturation
8. Remove and Replace color
9. Curves & Skin Tone
10. Defringe Layer & Color Variations

E.Filters and Effects
1. The Filter Menu
2. The Filter Gallery
3. Effects & Content Panels

F. Save, Print and Share
1. Save
2. Print
3. Share



Learn - Photoshop Elements 10 Editor Edition is available for 6,00 € on the App Store

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