Loved Tracks Importer last.fm edition
About Loved Tracks Importer last.fm edition
Simply enter your last.fm username, click a button and let Loved Tracks Importer work it's magic!
Take your last.fm Loved Tracks playlist and import to iTunes or Spotify.
** Note that for iTunes integration you must have the tracks already existing in your music library. Spotify may not have some tracks available in their library
iTunes Importing
- Loved Tracks Importer will match the existing tracks you have in iTunes with those you have in your last.fm loved tracks pages and either set their ratings to 5 stars or have them duplicated into a new playlist.
Enhance your results by filtering what genres of music get excluded from the results. The new exclude album title feature allows you to enter a specific word or words that will be excluded from the results if they exist in the album title.
Spotify Importing
- Loved Tracks Importer will match (where possible) your last.fm Loved Tracks with the tracks available in Spotifys extensive music catalogue.
Try to achieve the best results possible by selecting three different methods for matching the tracks.
When importing to iTunes or creating a Spotify playlist, any tracks that cannot be located are shown in a list where you can view the relevant loved tracks page on last.fm. You can use this to check if last.fm have auto-corrected the artist or track name and, if required, you can manually change the details in your library so that they match.
Loved Tracks Importer - Ideal for creating playlists that hold the music tracks you truly love.
This application is neither endorsed or associated with last.fm
If you encounter any issues with the application then please report them directly to us using the contact form on our website (click the Loved Tracks Importer Support link on this page). Please don't report bugs using the review system as we have no way of contacting you directly which doesn't help us when trying to get any problems fixed.