About mColorDesigner
mColorDesigner is a smart color scheme / palette generator.
* Unique Color Picker lets you locate and pick colors from Munsell color space
* Instantly created harmonious color schemes based on:
- Munsell color system related color harmony rules;
- Hue-Tone systems (JIS/ISCC) related color harmony rules;
- General color harmony rules such as Analogous/Complementary/Split-Complementary/Triad/Tetrad/Pentad/Hexad
* Interactive Color Wheel to visualize colors based on scientific harmony rules
* Smart Color Mixer generates smooth gradation from one color to another
* Get color palette from image through the Color Quantizer
* Preview colors in preset templates or real webpages
* Store and manage color schemes/palettes in .mcp documents
* Store and manage color gradients in .mcg documents
* Easily view and copy color codes in Munsell/RGB/HSB/Hex/CMYK/Lab formats
* Convenient Photoshop connect: change foreground color in PS instantly, right click to add color swatch(s) to PS