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  • Oiseau appelle collection sonore - Relaxant sonneries chant des oiseaux et des sons d'animaux

Oiseau appelle collection sonore - Relaxant sonneries chant des oiseaux et des sons d'animaux

Get Bird Calls Sound Collection - Relaxing Bird Song Ringtones and Animal Sounds for Your iPhone, one of the most soothing sounds for your phone and the best educational app for your kids. Learn how to identify birds by the song they sing, and set...
lundi 20 juin 2016 06h32

About Oiseau appelle collection sonore - Relaxant sonneries chant des ois...

Get Bird Calls Sound Collection - Relaxing Bird Song Ringtones and Animal Sounds for Your iPhone, one of the most soothing sounds for your phone and the best educational app for your kids. Learn how to identify birds by the song they sing, and set the one you like as a rigtone or a notification sound.

◆ Follow the instructions in the app and enjoy the latest iPhone sounds!

Wake up with a smile with the best morning alarm you can imagine. Feel like you are someone camping in the forest and relax, cause these bird sounds are completely authentic. If you close your eyes and listen to the birdsong, you will immediately forget that you are in the middle of the city far away of the nature you really need in order to relax.

◆ Best educational app for kids!

Teach your kids about the different bird species and show how each of them sound like. This is a perfect educational app that can be used by kids of all ages, and also adults who live in towns and don't have a chance to listen to the perfect bird songs and enjoy. Be closer to nature, download Bird Calls Sound Collection - Relaxing Bird Song Ringtones and Animal Sounds for Your iPhone right now and enjoy!




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