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PSD Viewer Pro for Photoshop documents

Opening Adobe Photoshop PSD document files on iPhone, iPod or iPad? Impossible? Until now. When you install PSD Viewer on your iOS device you will be able to open PSD files from Mail, Safari or any other application that supports opening files in ...
dimanche 13 décembre 2015 19h48

About PSD Viewer Pro for Photoshop documents

Opening Adobe Photoshop PSD document files on iPhone, iPod or iPad? Impossible? Until now. When you install PSD Viewer on your iOS device you will be able to open PSD files from Mail, Safari or any other application that supports opening files in external utilities like Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive or ownCloud.

* PSD Viewer will run on your iPhone (takes advantage of Retina display), iPod Touch and on your iPad as well. Pay just once and use anywhere, since all devices are supported with this universal application.

* Fast file loading (even big files) and very precise zooming up to 1000% makes this a perfect tool to show off your work.

* PSD Viewer is using ISO standard color management to properly display any PSD file.

* Currently supported color models are Grayscale, RGB, CMYK and CIE Lab in both 8 and 16-bit variants.

* You can send rendered PSD file using AirDrop if your device supports it or send it using Message or E-Mail

* Save rendered PSD file to Photo Album, copy it to Clipboard or Print it

* Images can be directly shared on Twitter or Facebook

* iTunes File Sharing support, so you can easily upload big files using your USB cable directly to your device using your computer and iTunes

* All previously opened PSD files are archived for faster access inside the PSD Viewer.

* Thumbnail view for easy file identification

* Portrait and landscape mode all over the application

* Batch image viewing for all previously archived images.

[Next major version 1.2 is already in progress. This version will offer even more features like layers interaction, printing, sharing and basic image editing. If you have any ideas or feature requests, feel free to visit our website and contact us by e-mail. This new version will be probably a little bit more expensive, but if you already own version 1.0 you are guaranteed a free update.]



PSD Viewer Pro for Photoshop documents is available for 1,00 € on the App Store

Ios app store

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