Super Screenshot Lite with Trello integration
About Super Screenshot Lite with Trello integration
Super Screenshot Lite with Trello integration
Take super fast screenshots, edit & share!
With this app you can:
1) Take screenshot (Toolbar or shortcut)
2) Edit (Crop, text, shape)
3) Share (Trello)
In less than a minute!
— Superfast —
Super Screenshot is the most convenient way of taking, editing and sharing screenshots. The whole process is very straight forward and fast. Simply press shortcut, hotkey or traybar icon, crop your image, edit if necessary and share it. You can choose from various editing tools: crop, move, arrow, circle, rectangle, text and different colors.
You can save the picture to hard drive or attach it to Trello card. All this takes less than a minute.
— The most convenient —
Key features
- Trello (Add to card or create new one)
Customizable hotkeys:
- Choose any combination you want
- Text
- Arrow
- Circle
- Rectangle
- Freehand-draw
- Move
- Resize
- Crop
- Save to hard drive
- Choose destination folder
— All you need —
Do you think that a feature is missing? Don’t hesitate to contact us and give feedback! feedback@superapp.fi
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