TubeG for YouTube
About TubeG for YouTube
Découvrez le meilleur lecteur pour regarder YouTube sur Mac
Une belle fenêtre bien nette. Souhaitez-vous pouvoir regarder vos vidéos préférées sur YouTube (Vimeo, Twitch, Break, Facebook, Dailymotion, CNN…) dans une fenêtre séparée et pouvoir ajuster sa taille ? Oui, nous aussi et c'est désormais possible. La fenêtre du navigateur est trop grande. Quand vous voulez faire autre chose, vous devez modifier sa taille, masquer les barres d'outils, etc.
"I can work and my kid is watching cartoons" - Il007
Just click or drag & drop YouTube link and enjoy browser-free watching!
Beautiful & clean window. Do you want to watch your favorite videos from YouTube (Vimeo, Twitch, Break, Facebook, Dailymotion, CNN or others…) in a separate window and adjust its size? Yes, we want it too and now it's available. Browser window is too big, when you want to do something else you have to change size, hide toolbars etc. Now you can easily open new video link.
- Show related at the end of movie
- Beautiful & clean window (auto show/hide title bar)
- Support multiple windows (you can paste or drag&drop multiple links)
- Get YouTube video from every page
- Support vevo, live streaming
- Possibility to enter mp4 video url
- Launch on startup
- Global shortcut to open popover (window)
- Open in Full Screen mode after open window
- Quit application after last window closed
- Keep player windows on top
- Play video automatically
- Choose default quality
- Set your own dimensions
- Set default window position
- Set window shadow
- Single window (disable multiple windows)
- Change player controls style in preferences (3 options)
- Custom seek time in preferences
- Original size in preferences & right click menu
- Aspect ratio when resize in preferences & right click menu
- Change opacity
- Full screen mode
- Support web browsers extensions (just single click to open video)
- App Nap
When you should buy:
- if you want save battery, we use native player instead of flash player in browser. 80% lower cpu usage than Safari and no fan noise.
- if you want keep your workflow clean while listening/watching videos
- if you have big screen or more than one screen
- if you want to watch conferences or walkthrough videos while doing something else
- if you want run faster your web browser
- if you want play native with lower cpu usage
Additional features in TubeG Pro version (also available in the Mac App Store):
* Show notification for new subscribed videos (just click to open video)
* Search with autocomplete
* Filter advanced options for search
* Local playlist, channels, playlists, subscriptions
* Manage YouTube playlist & channel items (add, remove, vote)
PS. If youtube.com does not work for you (due to censorship of YouTube), this application will not work either.